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Salut !  I'm Lauren.

I create resources for French Immersion teachers (grades 6-10) who love what they do but don't want all the time they spend prepping from it steal the joy of teaching it. 


Teaching a second language (that might be yours too!) is already challenging enough, never mind always having to search for or create teaching material that your students can actually use and still find engaging!

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I started teaching in 2015 and sharing my resources in 2018.

Since then, I’ve helped teachers find support and community through our facebook group (now more than 950 members strong!) and over 2500 teachers find new resources online through my email list, social media and Teachers Pay Teachers. 


Teaching French as a second language is my favourite. We have so much freedom to plan creative and engaging lessons! (Dans quel autre cours pourrais-tu écouter de la musique et dire que c’est aussi éducatif ?)


L’immersion, c’est que je préfère, mais j’ai aussi enseigné Français de base (FSL ou Core French) et pour le programme francophone.

When I’m not in the midst of creating a new resource or teaching, you’ll find me…

  • doing an “activité spéciale” (it’s all in the sell 😆 ) with my two little boys

  • painting DIY abstract art for our home

  • or sneaking out without my kids to meet a friend for coffee.





1. Je suis franco-colombienne. 

No, unlike my students’ first guesses, I am not from Colombia... Je suis francophone de la Colombie-Britannique.


Oui, ça existe !


It took me a while to really feel comfortable introducing myself that way, but now I own it. Je suis anglophone et francophone (which is why you’ll hear me use both interchangeably except in my TPT resources. We don't need any more English filtering into your French class!).

2. Quand mon premier fils avait trois mois, j’ai décidé de lui parler en français (malgré le fait que ma mère m’ait parlé la plupart du temps en anglais quand j’étais petite).


Mais là avec la pandémie… C’est devenu un défi. Il me comprend, mais me répond souvent en anglais 😭. Il va à l'école de nouveau en français l'année prochaine et j'ai de l'espoir que ça va changer les choses ! (I tell you. Teachers are so important. Having my own kids made me see it in a new way!)

3. Je ne suis pas timide, mais assez introvertie. I’d take a quiet lunch break in my classroom over a big staff get together any day.

4. J’ai un bouvier bernois qui pèse presqu’autant que moi.

5. J’ai un background en danse et en théâtre musicale. La danse est définitivement une autre passion !


Incorporer de la danse et l’art dramatique en classe- j’adore!

6. One of the many reasons I became a teacher is as much as I'm very easy to get along with, I HATE when people tell me what to do.


(Ironically, my first born is veeeery into telling me what to do. There must be a lesson there 🙈.)


I love having the power to choose how I run my day! Whenever I'm in a slump, I add something to my lesson that gets me excited, that lights me up. 💡

I encourage you to do the same.

Try this free improv game to engage your students!  It’s super easy to implement and a quick way to get your students speaking French. 

Want to learn more?

5 faits sur moi :

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